Alternative governance in times of health crisis: public action and polycentrism

Lecture International, Society
On  October 15, 2021Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire
Organized by the Faculté d’Économie de Grenoble, this conference draws upon the public choice and collaborative decision-making approaches in order to assess the optimality of a possible co-regulation model in a “polycentric governance” in the field of financial economics.
In order to deal with endogenous disasters that we cause by our way of being and doing (such as systemic financial crises), but also to fight unexpected events of societal magnitude (such as the current Covid-19 pandemic), the preventive organization of collective action is a relevant public choice. This is a public decision-making issue under two constraints: institutional weaknesses & failures in market arrangements.

Open to all interested audiences, the conference will be given in English by Faruk Ulgen, professor and director of international relations at the Faculté d’économie de Grenoble (FEG).

To attend the conference in person, a registration is required.
Published on  September 30, 2021
Updated on  September 30, 2021