Health insurance on campus in Grenoble

September 17, 2024 - June 30, 2025
Students at Université Grenoble Alpes: the Health Insurance (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie, or CPAM) is coming to meet you on the St-Martin-d'Hères campus to answer all of your questions!
Would you like to have more information about your registration ('affiliation'), the medical card 'carte Vitale', the Ameli account, the 'Complémentaire Santé Solidaire', access to specialist doctors...? Come and ask the agents of the CPAM Isère all your questions during the permanences on campus.

These permanences are open to all students, no appointment is required.

When and where ?

At the MUSE building, in the entrance hall of the Welcome center, at the following dates:
  • Tuesday 17 September 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 24 September 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 1 October 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 8 October 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 15 October 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 5 November 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 12 November 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 19 November 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 26 November 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 3 December 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 10 December 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
  • Tuesday 17 December 2024, from 9am till 12:30pm
The dates for 2025 will be posted at a later date.

Published on  November 13, 2023
Updated on  September 17, 2024