If your budget is tight, or you are having temporary difficulties, financial support is available in a whole range of areas, including accommodation, transport, day-to-day living needs and family needs.
Scholarships and funding for international students
It is recommended candidates apply for financial aid at least one year before enrolment at a French institution.
Depending on your circumstances and your host establishment, if you are a non-European student you may be entitled to apply for exemption from differentiated registration or tuition fees.
Good healthcare on a limited budget is possible! There are solutions for consulting doctors without advance payment, or getting help to benefit from a complementary health insurance for a better coverage of your medical expenses.
The Family Allowances Office (‘Caisse d’Allocations Familiales’ - CAF) can provide you with financial support to help you pay your rent, provided that you meet certain conditions.
Whether you are expecting a child or are already a parent, in some circumstances you can obtain benefits, services and advice from the the Family Allowances Office (‘Caisse d’Allocations Familiales’ - CAF).
If your budget is limited, there are a number of solutions for covering your basic living expenses and buying furniture, clothing, food and other basic essentials without breaking the bank.
If you encounter financial, personal or family difficulties during your stay, a number of support and assistance organizations are on hand to help you overcome them.
If you are a doctoral student or researcher, and coming to the end of your employment contract in France, you may be entitled to claim unemployment benefit.
See the Euraxess France portal to find out about the conditions you have to meet.
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