Feminine and Masculine around the world

Workshop Culture, International
On  March 19, 2025Saint-Martin-d'Hères - Domaine universitaire
How does one become a man or a woman in France, Brazil, Mexico, Japan or Tunisia? What kind of models influence us? What events impact us? Which patterns of relationship arise from them? Come and discuss these questions during this workshop.
While the forms of masculine and feminine vary around the world, this division between the genders is nonetheless present in all cultures. And we may be wondering how the resulting norms can constrain individuals and, in some cases, lead to prejudice or even discrimination.

The event is designed to encourage discussion among participants on this multicultural theme.

Organized as part of the "Mois de l'égalité 2025", this workshop is free and open to local and international students. Please sign up in advance.
Published on  February 18, 2025
Updated on  February 18, 2025