October 9, 2023 - October 19, 2023Agglomération grenobloise, Valence
The International Days festival brings together a variety of international-themed initiatives of UGA. International and French students, faculty members and staff, as well as the general public will all find events that meet their expectations during this festive fortnight.
This 6th edition of the International Days festival offers about twenty events and activities.
They are presented below in chronological order.
You can also consult the program presenting the events by theme.
Pauline and Théo, former Grenoble INP students, challenged themselves to explore solutions for a more social and ecological society. A visual invitation to become aware of environmental issues.
How do you picture other cultures ? Which stereotypes do other cultures assign to yours ? How to deconstruct them ? UGA offers an intercultural workshop to exchange on this topic.
You would like to pursue a joint PhD but you don't know where to start ? Come get all the information you need and ask your questions to the Doctoral College experts and PhD students !
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