October 1, 2023 - December 15, 2023Agglomération grenobloise
In the context of "Saison Japonaise" held in Grenoble and as part of its strategic partnership with University of Tsukuba, Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) organised 3 events focusing on Japanese culture.
“Fleurs du Japon” exhibition: an invitation to discover the most emblematic plants and flowers of Japan, during the month of October, in the botanical garden of Faculty of Pharmacy.
A conference about history of the relations between France and Japan and the many links between the two countries, led by Mr Murata Yukuo, General Consul of Japan in Marseille, organised on November 14th, in the IMAG auditorium.
“Parlons culture ! Histoires de goût” : a conversation workshop about French and Japanese cuisine to practice French, on November 21st, at the Droit-Lettres library.
At the same time, the Mayor of Tsukuba, Igarashi Tatsuo, met the President of UGA, Yassine Lakhnech. A delegation of Tsukuba mayor’s office also visited UGA and Néel Institute.
University of Tsukuba, a strategic partner of UGA
These three events are a tribute to Japanese culture and art, and a way for UGA to celebrate its strategic partnership with University of Tsukuba. For many years, this partnership has involved student exchanges, collaborative degree programs, meetings between researchers, co-supervisions of doctoral (PhD) thesis and a joint research laboratory. Since 2022, a permanent office of University of Tsukuba has even been set up at UGA.
"Saison Japonaise": a wide range of events to discover until December 15th
“Saison Japonaise” is an event organised by the city of Grenoble to celebrate 10 years of twinning with the city of Tsukuba in Japan. Some thirty activities, shows and meetings are on offer until December 15th to discover the richness of Japanese culture.
Published on November 29, 2023
Updated on May 14, 2024
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