CESAER positions itself as the network of large European universities which, through education, research and innovation, contribute to developing societies that are open to knowledge and have a significant impact on science, technology, the
economy and society as a whole.
It's objectives are to:
Share good practices and learn from each other, in education, research, innovation and governance
Lobby decision-makers and stakeholders for European projects and strategies.
Participate in European bids
Promote network members
Consider the major issues of society together
Université Grenoble Alpes has been a member of CESAER since 2019 and participates in several themed focus groups.
The thirty-sixth General Assembly hosted by Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) elected Karine Samuel, Vice-President for International Affairs at UGA, to serve on CESAER Board of Directors from 2023 to 2025.
Updated on January 12, 2023
International and territorial development Elisa Glangeaud Send an email
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