On-call medical services

If you need to find a pharmacy. Or if you need to see a general practitioner outside the opening hours of health centers or medical practices, for example late at night or at the weekend, and your referring doctor (médecin traitant) is not available, there are on-call medical services.

Find a consultation location

General practitioner

Whether you are in Grenoble or Valence, there are places of care in general medicine (maison médicale de garde, health centers…) that can help and welcome you.

Start by finding a general practitioner practice near you using the map of places of care (carte des lieux de soins) on the Santé.fr website.
The contact the chosen health center (contact details are available on the map) to request an appointment and get advice.

The map is inaccessible? Can’t find the right contact?
Contact the Healthcare access service (Service d’accès aux soins, SAS) by calling 15.
A regulation assistant will put you in touch with a doctor depending on the degree of urgency.

Find out more about the Healthcare access service (Service d’accès aux soins)
More information on the website of the Regional health agency (Agence Régionale de Santé)
Cost of consultations
Please note that the healthcare professionals to whom you will be referred do not all charge the same rates, and the cost of consultations outside officopening hours is sometimes higher.
Some consultations, such as home consultations with SOS Médecins in Grenoble, are subject to additional charges.


If you need to consult a dentist outside weekday opening hours, call 15 directly.

More information on the website of the Regional health agency (Agence Régionale de Santé)

Find a pharmacy on call

In the evenings, at weekends or during public holidays, to find your nearest on-call pharmacy, please visit the servigardes.fr website.

More information on the website of the Regional health agency (Agence Régionale de Santé)

Updated on  October 7, 2024