If you encounter financial, personal or family difficulties during your stay, a number of support and assistance organizations are on hand to help you overcome them.
CROUS Social Service
The aim of CROUS ('Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires') is to improve the living and working conditions of students on a daily basis.
Whether you are in Grenoble or in Valence, you can make an appointment with a social worker either online, or by phone.
Making an appointment online : go to the website mesrdv.etudiant.gouv.fr. Select ‘CROUS Grenoble Alpes’, the theme 'service social', then the city where you study. If possible, make an appointment with the social worker assigned to your area of study.
Hotline for students in social emergency
If you are experiencing serious financial difficulties and would like information about emergency assistance and the steps to take to apply for it, you can call 0 806 000 278. More information on the social emergency number
Municipal social services
Most large French towns and cities have a Municipal Center for Social Action (‘Centre Communal d’Action Sociale’ - CCAS), where social workers help people in difficulties – usually by appointment – by giving them advice, support and assistance.
These social services are reserved for the inhabitants of the town or city concerned.
The CCAS collaborates closely with many local associations and institutions.
If you require information or advice, or wish to make an appointment, contact the CCAS of Valence. Visit Valence city council's website to find the contacts
Other cities
To obtain information on the CCAS of the town or city where you live, find out about the mechanisms that exist, or make an appointment, contact your town hall.
University employees: Staff Social Service
If you are a doctoral student or a researcher employed by the university, please visit the intranet of your institution to find contacts and know more about the social support possibilities. Consult the staff intranet of your host institution
Published on January 8, 2021 Updated on April 29, 2024
Solidarités Grenoble
This website, a project sponsored by the Grenoble CCAS, aims to make it easier for people in difficulty to access the help to which they are entitled by helping them find the service or support they need. The website 'Solidarités Grenoble'
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