Community life and integration

Community life is very active, both within the Université Grenoble Alpes and in town. Hundreds of associations exist in many different fields including art, culture, sport, civic life and humanitarian action.
Joining an association is an excellent way to pursue your hobbies and interests, discover new ones, or get involved in projects – and will help you integrate into your new environment.

Associations for international students

These associations are dedicated to welcoming international students and helping them integrate.
They foster intercultural exchanges between French and international students and organize outings, events, cultural visits and trips throughout the academic year.

To find out more, visit the websites and social networks of the following associations.

For all students in Grenoble

> The website of the “IntEGre”(International Étudiants Grenoble) association
> IntEGre on Facebook
> IntEGre on Discord
> IntEGre on Instagram

For all students in Valence

> The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) on the UGA student portal (in French)
> ESN Valence on Facebook
> ESN Valence on Instagram

For students at Sciences Po Grenoble

> The International Student Initiative (ISI) page of the Sciences Po Grenoble website
> ISI on Facebook

For students at Grenoble INP

> The “Bureau International Étudiant” (BIE) page of the Grenoble INP website
> BIE on Facebook

For students at ENSAG

> The “Transfert” association, via the “Vie associative” page of the ENSAG website
> Transfert on Facebook
> Transfert on Instagram

Student associations and initiatives

Are you looking to get involved, meet new people and bring your passions to life? Get involved in community life on the Grenoble and Valence campuses!
> Visit the UGA student portal (in French) for more information

PhD student associations

Numerous associations exist in all disciplines, with the aim of federating young researchers by promoting mutual aid, experience sharing and the valorization of research work.
> Find out more on the UGA Doctoral college website

Community associations

These associations are open to everyone (students, doctoral students, researchers and accompanying family members), and some of them are even dedicated to welcoming newcomers to Grenoble or Valence.

For newcomers

Accueil des Villes Françaises (AVF)
AVF is a network of volunteer-led associations with branches in many French towns and cities, including Grenoble and Valence. The aim of AVF is to help all newcomers – whether French or international – to integrate into their new surroundings by proposing opportunities to meet and make friends through a variety of cultural, sport and leisure activities.
> To find out more, visit the Accueil Villes Françaises website

In Grenoble

The Maison de l’International
An information and exhibition center with an international focus, which also has a welcome and information desk for newcomers from foreign countries.
Located at 1 rue Hector Berlioz in Grenoble.
> For further information, go to the City of Grenoble website
Sweet Home Grenoble
Sweet Home Grenoble is an association whose aim is to encourage exchanges between French people and foreigners, with a view in particular to helping foreigners to settle into Grenoble life and form new friendships.
The two main languages spoken are English and French, but all nationalities are welcome.
> Go to the Sweet Home Grenoble website to find out more

The city of Grenoble has more than 700 registered associations that are based in Grenoble and/or carry out a main activity in the city.
> Consult the directory of associations held by the City of Grenoble
Welcome and information desks for community life
You can also inquire about community life in Grenoble by going to the “Maison des Associations” and the community centers (“maisons des habitants”) located in various districts of the city.

Maison des Associations
Located 6 Rue Berthe de Boissieux in Grenoble.
Contact :
> For further information, go to the City of Grenoble website

Maisons des habitants
Community centers called “maisons des habitants” in various districts of the city provide services, organize activities for local inhabitants and promote community life in general.
> For further information, go to the City of Grenoble website

In Valence

The city of Valence has more than 600 registered associations.
> Consult the directory of associations held by the City of Valence

To find out more, you can go to the “Maison de la vie associative” located at 74 route de Montélier in Valence.
> For further information, visit the City of Valence website
Published on  January 8, 2021
Updated on July 5, 2024