The International Excellence and Outreach (IDEX-RI) call for proposals supports projects to fund theses or postdoctoral studies involving collaboration with an international partner.
The IDEX-RI call for projects is intended for the entire scientific and academic community at UGA with no restrictions in terms of disciplines or methodology. It is led by UGA's Vice-Presidency for International Relations and Outreach, with support from UGA's International Development Directorate.
Proposed funding
Three types of funding are available for this call:
• Doctoral Research Grant co-funded by UGA and the partner (cotutelle and/or co-direction),
• Postdoctoral fellowship co-funded by the UGA and the partner, lasting between 12 and 24 months.
• Matching PhD: In the case of strategic partnerships only, and with partners of the Unite! alliance, matching PhDs may also be funded, one funded by UGA and the other by the international partner.
Subject to available funding, the winners will also receive additional funding of up to €15k (€5k per year) for travel expenses and the organisation of research activities (workshops, conferences).
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