Unite! A network of universities focused on innovation, technology and engineering

Supported by the European Union to the amount of 14.4 M€ for the period 2022-2026, Unite! aims to create a large European campus from Finland to Portugal.
Unite! brings together 9 partners, recognized for the quality of their education and research:
  • Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany)
  • Aalto University (Finland)
  • Kunglia Tekniska Hoegskolan (Sweden)
  • Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
  • Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain)
  • Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
  • Graz University of Technology (Autriche)
  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (Pologne),
  • Grenoble INP-UGA, Graduate Schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes.

Unite! (University Network for Innovation, Technology and Engineering) is an innovative project in the field of engineering education and the development of European citizenship, which aims to create a large European campus from Finland to Portugal.
Together the seven partners have 167,000 students and annually 36,700 graduates.

Unite! originates from CLUSTER network and builds on three decades of close and dedicated cooperation on different aspects of higher education, research, innovation and social responsibility.

What Unite! has to offer

In concrete terms, Unite! will achieve these objectives though the following activities.

For students

  • Mobility, both physical and virtual within the Unite! network is possible for all students of partner universities. Students can participate in joint programs, summer schools, online courses as well as short mobility programs.
  • Easy access to language and culture courses of all possible destinations.

For Doctoral Students

  • Doctoral students can participate in programs collectively elaborated among Unite! partners for which research is closely linked to learning process, innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • Mobility in the Unite! network is also possible within the framework of scientific collaborations.

For Staff

  • All staff working in Unite! partner universities can carry out mobilities, especially during themed Staff Weeks.
  • Staff are encouraged to participate in Unite! work packages when relevant.
  • Staff have access to the Teaching and Learning Academy, which aims to guide teachers develop flexible and pedagogically innovative academic career.

For regional stakeholders

Stakeholders on the territory (companies, authorities) benefit from an access to structures of innovation and entrepreneurship which allow them to constitute strong international partnerships.


  • EMPOWER students, staff and faculty to become the owners of a new European University concept by encouraging an active participation at all levels in the development of flexible study paths and joint curricula with embedded mobility across Europe and the world.
  • DEVELOP a European University by sharing resources and services in education, research and management, by removing structural barriers and by generating new frameworks for a European degree.
  • PIONEER new concepts of education and research in science, technology and engineering by drawing on innovative transdisciplinary approaches stemming from art, design, architecture, business, social sciences and the humanities.
  • EDUCATE a new generation of European students in science, technology and engineering who actively contribute to the advancement of knowledge, European competitiveness and the development of solutions for societal challenges.
  • EXEMPLIFIE the role of a (virtual and physical) European inter-university campus that connects the regional innovation ecosystems of its member universities, makes their boundaries fluid and functions as a platform of open interaction and the free circulation of ideas.
Updated on  February 10, 2023