Carry out a research and/or academic project at UGA as a visiting professor

As part of its policy of support for international exchanges, Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) provides financing for the stay of research professors posted in a foreign institution, for research and/or academic projects within its faculties and research laboratories. Here is information about the invitation campaign for visiting professors, including terms and conditions, applications, selection criteria, hosting arrangements and calendar.

Guests are hosted for a period of 1 to 3 months, which may be carried out over 1 or 2 periods maximum, none of which may be shorter than 1 month.
Expenses are paid on the basis of the rates applicable to UGA.

Application process

The application is submitted by the host research professor or the host scientist and is generally composed of the following elements:
  • the online application form,
  • the applicant's CV,
  • a detailed research and/or academic project (maximum 2 pages),
  • the assessment of the laboratory director and/or the faculty, depending on the nature of the project, obtained by the host research professor.
In the case of several applications for the same laboratory and/or faculty, these must be prioritized in the assessment written by the director of the structure concerned.

Selections criteria and process

  • The scientific excellence of the applicant
  • The relevance of their research and/or academic project as well as their contribution to the laboratory and/or faculty hosting them
  • A contribution to the international policy with the likelihood of perpetuating the links between the foreign institution and UGA would be appreciated.
Balance will be sought between the main disciplinary fields, taking into account their respective weight.
Special attention will be paid to applications from those who, in conjunction with the teaching and scientific teams, plan to anticipate their stay at UGA by giving remote courses or seminars.
The research clusters will examine the applications that concern them and draw up a ranking proposition.
Arbitrations will be carried out by UGA authorities.


The call for applications for the visiting professor invitation campaign is usually opened in March and a decision is made in June-July for the following academic year.
Published on  February 8, 2021
Updated on May 9, 2023