Rights and obligations of tenants
Both the tenant and the landlord (or lessor) have obligations to fulfil with respect to the property to ensure that it is let appropriately and legally.
Tenant’s responsibilities
- Pay the rent and service charges ("charges locatives" on time
- Use the property only for the purpose stated in the tenancy agreement
- Obtain the landlord’s written permission before considering subletting the property
- Maintain the property, its equipment and fittings to a certain standard
- Take out tenants’ liability insurance (“assurance risques locatifs”)
- Grant the landlord access to the property by prior appointment to carry out works or enable future tenants to visit it.
- Carry out the minor repairs for which you are responsible: filling in any holes that you made, changing light bulbs, clearing blocked pipes, etc.
Landlord’s responsibilities
- Provide a safe and habitable property compliant with residential use (electrical equipment compliant with standards, heating and ventilation equipment, etc.)
- Provide a rent receipt free of charge on request
- Carry out the work for which the tenant is not responsible: upgrading equipment and installations, maintaining the property (heating system, etc.)
In case of dispute, disagreement, suspicion of fraud
You can obtain information from the French national housing information agency (“Agence Nationale pour l’Information sur le Logement” - ANIL), or contact its local branch in your “département” (“Agence Départementale pour l’Information sur le Logement” - ADIL).> Find out more on the ADIL website in Grenoble
> Find out more on the ADIL website in Valence
Good to know
Feel free to contact the International Students & Scholars Office (ISSO), which is also on hand to advise and guide you!
Feel free to contact the International Students & Scholars Office (ISSO), which is also on hand to advise and guide you!
And lastly, if your difficulties continue, other organizations can help you:
> Legal assistance in Grenoble
> Association Départementale de défense des consommateurs et des habitants en Isère (consumer advocacy association)
> Legal assistance in Valence> Association Départementale de défense des consommateurs et des habitants en Isère (consumer advocacy association)
> Défenseurs des droits (rights defenders)
Published on January 7, 2021
Updated on January 16, 2024
Updated on January 16, 2024