
Whether you have a health problem or need medical or psychological assistance from a healthcare practitioner, this section explains the main solutions available to you.
Good to know
In France, you generally have to pay for the procedure carried out by the doctor or healthcare practitioner at the end of the consultation, and subsequently obtain a reimbursement via the state health insurance (“assurance maladie”) and your complementary health insurance (“mutuelle”), if you have one.
In some cases you don’t have to pay during the consultation, as the doctor is paid directly by the health insurance. These consultations are referred to as being “without payment up-front” (“sans avance de frais”).

Consulting a doctor

There are different options to consult a doctor: on campus, for Université Grenoble Alpes students or doctoral students, or in town.

On-call medical services

If you need to consult a general practitioner when community practices and health centers are closed, e.g. late in the evening or at the weekend, you can contact various on-call or out-of-hours (“médecine de garde”) services.

Medical care for people in situation of precariousness without health insurance

If you are in severe financial difficulties and have no health insurance cover, there are places in Grenoble and Valence where you can obtain treatment.


Emergency telephone numbers

All emergencies (France & Europe): 112
Fire services (“pompiers” - fire, accidents and medical emergencies): 18
Police: 17
Medical emergencies (“SAMU”): 15
Emergency services for the deaf and hard of hearing (by video phone, chat, SMS or fax, in French or French Sign Language): 114,
Poisoning and intoxication: 04 72 11 69 11
St-Martin-d’Hères Campus Security Service (“Les Gardes du Campus”): 04 76 82 82 82

Other useful or emergency numbers in Grenoble and Valence

Useful and emergency numbers on the website of the CHU Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble hospital) and on the UGA student portal (in French)

Useful and emergency numbers on the Valence city council website
Published on  January 8, 2021
Updated on April 23, 2024