Students from KIT visit G2Elab, UGA

Visit International
On  June 11, 2024
At the end of May 2024, a group of around thirty master and PhD students from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany) spent an inter-semester study trip to Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. One of the highlights of the tour was a visit to the G2Elab laboratory at UGA (Grenoble Electrical Engineering).
Accompanied by Professors Marc Hiller and Martin Doppelbauer, heads of KIT's ETI (Institut d'Electrotechnique), the group visited various research centers: the Supergrid Institute, the French National Institute for Solar Energy (INES, CEA), the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), the Synchrotron and the G2Elab.

This latest meeting gave them the opportunity to discuss their activities and research platforms. The G2Elab teams also organised a buffet lunch to extend the discussions with the students.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is a strategic partner of the UGA. This kind of visit strengthens the links between the two institutions.
Published on  June 11, 2024
Updated on  June 11, 2024