Sciences, technologies, santé, ingénierie
- M1 Molecular and cellular biology
- M2 Pro2Bio
- M2 Science trading
- M2 Physiology, epigenetics, differentiation and cancer
- M2 Neurosciences, neurobiology
- M2 Microbiology, infectious diseases, immunology
- M2 Structural biology of pathogens
Plant biology
- M1 Chemistry
- M2 Chemistry for life science
- M2 Organic synthesis
- M2 Polymers for advanced technologies
Electronics, electrical energy, automatic
- M1 Electrical engineering and control systems
- M1-M2 Electrical engineering for smart grids and buildings
- M2 Systems, control and information technologies
- M2 Wireless integrated circuits and systems
- M2 Computational sciences for electrical engineering
- M2 Integration, security and trust in embedded systems
Civil engineering
- M1 Applied mechanics
- M1-M2 Hydraulics and civil engineering
- M2 Geomechanics, civil engineering and risks
Nanosciences and nanotechnologies
- M1 Nanophysics - Quantum physics
- M1 Soft matter and biophysics
- M1 Data analysis: linking experiments to theory
- M1-M2 Nanochemistry
- M2 Nanophysics
- M2 Quantum information and quantum engineering
- M2 SoftNano
- M2 Nanobiotechnologies
- M2 Nanomedicine and structural biology
- Engineering degree - Nanotech
Earth, planetary and environmental sciences
- M1 Research-intensive track in geosciences
- M1-M2 Natural geological hazards and risks
- M1-M2 Geophysics and Earth imaging
- M1-M2 Earth system sciences
Mathematics and applications
- M1 Applied mathematics
- M2 Cybersecurity
- M2 Operations research, combinatorics and optimisation
- M2 Master of Science in industrial and applied mathematics
Computer science
- Vocational bachelor - Computer network mobility and security
- M1-M2 Master of science in informatics at Grenoble
- M1-M2 Communications engineering and data science
- M2 Cybersecurity
- M2 Operations research, combinatorics and optimisation
Health engineering
- M1-M2 Biohealth engineering
- M2 Artificial intelligence for one health
- Engineering degree - Biomedical engineering
Industrial engineering
M1-M2 Sustainable industrial engineeringCognitive sciences
- M1 Data analysis: linking experiments to theory
Material sciences and engineering
- M1-M2 Engineering of functional materials
- M1-M2 Materials for nuclear engineering
- M1-M2 Biorefining and biomaterials
- Engineering degree - Advanced materials
Signal and image processing
- M1 Data analysis: linking experiments to theory
- M2 Signal image processing methods and applications
- M2 Mobile, autonomous and robotic systems
Publié le 30 janvier 2024
Mis à jour le 14 mai 2024
Mis à jour le 14 mai 2024
- M1 = Master first year
- M2 = Master second year
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